Acne Topic: Supplements

Are You Unknowingly Just Treating the Symptoms of Your Acne?

Author: Jessica Gremley

We’ve all been there. You see an unsightly blemish on your face and do everything to get rid of it. Acne-drying topicals. Scrubbing. Extracting. Injecting.

Or maybe you notice that your breakouts get worse before your period, so you grab a hormonal rebalancing supplement. Or maybe you hear that a vegan diet is the way to go. Or paleo, gluten-free or sugar free…

The thing is, whether you’re spot-treating or trying to clean up your diet or rein in your hormones, you’re only addressing a symptom of acne. Likely thinking you’re targeting the root cause of your acne.

But wait…

While you’re correct in assuming there’s a relationship between your acne and, say, your hormones or diet, or your acne and gut health, stress or pore-clogging ingredients…

You’re missing key information that almost nobody talks about. Not the dermatologists, nor the skincare companies nor Big Pharma.

And it’s essential you have this information so you can begin clearing your skin for good. Instead of just treating symptoms and only getting a few meager days, weeks or months free from acne.

Here is the overlooked missing information…


Discover the steps needed to finally clear your acne once and for all without the stress and headaches.

Acne is a genetic condition called retention hyperkeratosis.

Let me explain.

Every day a layer of dead skin cells is shed inside the pore. Ordinarily, these dead skin cells are pushed from behind by newer cells rising to the skin’s surface, then flake off in a normal, healthy pore.

However, this continuous shedding process goes  haywire in people with acne. Acne-prone skin produces up to 5x more dead cells than normal, and the excess dead cells stay stuck on the skin’s surface and clog your pores. The resulting plug (known as a microcomedone), when mixed with oil, forms a blackhead. When infected with bacteria, forms a blemish.

Essentially, your acne-prone skin is perpetually clogging itself. And your unique blend of triggers―which can include diet, hormonal imbalance, gut imbalance, stress and pore-clogging ingredients―aggravates and worsens an already faulty situation.

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What can you do?

The good news is, by taking supplements such as Vitamin A and changing up your skincare regimen to keep the microcomedones at bay, you’re actually treating the root cause of your acne.

Then, when you do address the symptoms―e.g., take the right hormonal rebalancing supplement, eliminate acne-triggering foods from your diet, take active steps to reduce your stress, avoid pore-clogging ingredients or ensure your gut is healthy―all of those actions SUPPORT your efforts to address the root cause of your acne.

When done in concert, with a focused step-by-step plan, that’s when you begin to see your skin clear and get the lasting results you desire.

Ready to explore two ways to tackle the root cause of your acne? Let’s begin.

Vitamin A Supplements.

Vitamin A is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps skin repair itself by preventing the sticky build-up of cells that would otherwise clog pores. And it’s essential for the normal shedding of the cells that line the follicle (pore) wall.

A minimum of 10,000 IU’s of Vitamin A are recommended daily for treating acne.

Vitamin A comes in many forms including:

  • Animal products―eating liver weekly or drinking cod liver oils daily can help you achieve the right therapeutic dose of vitamin A through diet. Unfortunately, these vitamin A sources are also acne-triggering, due to their high levels of iodine and androgen-stimulating side effects.

  • Carotenoids―found in carrots, orange-yellow vegetables and leafy greens. However, consuming vitamin A as carotenoids is not be enough to reach the recommended dose, because you only absorb about 1/12th of carotenoids through digestion. Instead, supplementation is absolutely necessary.

  • Vitamin A Supplements for acne―you can achieve the right therapeutic dose with the active form of Vitamin A (retinoids), which has an upper safety limit of 10,000 IUs per day. Most supplements don’t go above 5,000 IUs of retinoids. Our clients swear by Clove Hill Skin Clarity as it is safe for acne-prone skin and has the necessary levels of Vitamin A needed to keep skin clear.  

If you are diabetic, pregnant or breastfeeding, seek advice from your physician before supplementing with vitamin A.

Changing up your skincare regimen.

If you want to clear your acne, it’s also imperative you switch up your skincare regimen on a regular basis to keep your skin guessing. That’s because, just like muscles adapt to new exercise routines then stop strengthening, your skin adapts to new regimens within two to three weeks, then stops working.

By switching up your routine over the course of 90 days―e.g., with increased concentrations and/or varying products and routines― you “confuse” and challenge your skin. You also clear acne that’s already forming below the surface where you can’t see it and prevent NEW acne from forming, so you can finally break the acne cycle.

When it comes to successful acne treatment, this regimen-switching strategy is PIVOTAL.

In fact, it’s the foundation of our proven 95% success rate with our clients. It’s also, frankly, almost unheard of outside our doors.

In summary, when you treat the root cause of your acne―and support your efforts by addressing your primary and secondary acne triggers―you’ll be well on your way to clearing your acne for good.

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Jessica Gremley

Creator of Clear Skin Central

Trigger Types


Gut HEalth


